ABC Perth ran tours of their building in East Perth on 8 June 2024, for Open Day

ABC Perth ran tours of their building in East Perth on 8 June 2024, for Open Day

Cathy Bardon and past President Bobbie Mackley handed out flyers to people turning up for the tours and two live broadcasts. These are people who are interested in the ABC, so almost everyone took a flyer, or photographed our website on the back page. The flyer explains how government funding for the ABC has not been fully restored since the cuts of 2014.

Two people outside a building embracing
Image: ABC Friends WA President, Cathy Bardon with Gardening Australia's Costa Georgiadis

We talked to people arriving, and also after their tours, which everyone seemed to enjoy. We also talked to some current staff who were assisting. The ABC had arranged the bookings so that there were not the long queues there have been in the past – everyone was under cover. The predicted rain held off anyway. 

And then Costa Georgiadis burst on the scene! Costa, the well-known presenter of Gardening Australia, was up for photos with anyone who wanted one – including Cathy! (‘Hello ABC Friend!’) And when a family with young children appeared, he sat down to sign their handouts and flung off his boots to show them his dashing socks!

Man sitting outside a building with bright red socks on
Image: Costa's dashing socks

Two people outside a building
Image: Tara Henry and former ABC Friends WA President, Bobbie Mackley