Take Action: Call for a Senate Inquiry into ABC Funding 2015-2023

There is considerable community concern about the way the Federal Government has continually reduced funding for Australian public broadcasting while at the same time subsidising overseas and commercial media.

Since 2015 we have lost more than 1,000 ABC professional staff, services have been severely constrained and Australian content reduced.

There is an urgent need for an independent analysis of the Federal Governments public broadcasting policy.

7,000 signatures

Will you sign the petition?

We the undersigned respectfully request members of the Australian Senate to initiate an inquiry into the funding of the ABC 2015- 2023

Such an inquiry would consider:

  • The impact of Budgetary decisions 2015-2023 on the ability of the ABC to fully meet its Charter commitments particularly in regard to emergency services’ provision;

  • The impact of diverting public broadcasting resources to overseas and local commercial  sectors without assessing the public benefit to Australian audiences; and

  • The erosion of Australian soft power diplomacy because the ABC is no longer able to project Australia's image into the Asia Pacific Region.