The winners of our book giveaway have now been decided but it wasn’t an easy task — when we asked you to tell us what you loved about the ABC we got a huge response.
Thanks to all of you for sharing your love of the ABC with ABC Friends. It’s a pity we couldn’t give each of our nearly 60 entrants a copy of Who Needs the ABC? Why taking it for granted is no longer an option but do hope you will seek out this important book and enjoy reading it.
Now for our five winners — and their reasons for loving the ABC:
Claudia, from Latrobe, Tasmania:
It’s the soundtrack to my life, and a portal to the outside world that brings company into my home. The ABC is essential to my well-being.
Madi, from Perth:
As a young Australian, I love that the ABC gives me well-rounded, comprehensive reporting which I can trust! I especially like listening to ABC podcasts like AM during my morning commute, so I'm up to date with everything that's going on in the news.
Janet, from Lillian Rock, NSW:
What’s not to love; best investigative journalism, support for quality home-grown music, comedy and drama, the ever-present voice in the darkness for our communities across the nation in times of disaster, quality unbiased news, local, national and international. ABC provides diverse radio and TV that we trust and that celebrates us all across the national spectrum.
Lachlan, from Adelaide:
I have grown up like most Australians on the ABC and I’m originally from the country, so it has an important part in bushfires and floods. It is also important to our democracy by keeping them honest with airing of question time and the amazing journalism. I’m currently 21 and love Bluey with my girlfriend — that’s saying something of the quality.
Joshua, from Melbourne:
The ABC is essential for our democracy, sense of national identity and growth as a nation. In the absence of the ABC, important information that is vital for transparency and accountability would not be uncovered. Moreover, without the ABC and its ability to bring people together, our culture will grow more divided and siloed.
Congratulations to all of you and happy reading!
Gia Metherell
ABC Friends