The election is just weeks away. And former ABC producer and presenter Jonathan Holmes just came under attack in the Murdoch Press -- accused of running a ‘scare campaign’ on the ABC ‘sale that never was’.
Jonathan's video lays out the facts about the Coalition’s history of ABC funding cuts and urging voters to support candidates with strong ABC platforms this election.
It's one of a series of videos produced by our ABC Alumni partners, which feature legends like Jonathan Holmes, Kerry O'Brien, Philippa McDonald, Phil Williams and Pete Lewis. You can bet the Murdoch Press and IPA would rather they not be seen.
That’s exactly why we have a plan to advertise them widely to voters in marginal seats right through the election.
Can you make a donation to support advertising videos featuring ABC legends in the lead up to the Federal Election?
Donate to help get the ABC Alumni videos seen far and wide and help protect and secure our ABC this election.
Donate to support our ABC
Our ABC has been there for us through fire, flood and pandemic, helping keep us safe, informed and entertained. It's under attack from countless budget cuts, political interference and those who want to privatise it for their own profit. Now we have the chance for voters to hear straight from ABC legends like Jonathan Holmes, Kerry O'Brien and Philippa McDonald in a new video series.
Help me save our ABC this election by donating to support the ABC Friends campaign to get these ABC legends heard by voters: