Annual General Meeting 2012

Annual General Meeting 2012

FABC-WA held its 2012 Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 10th. November in Studio 620 (the fine music studio) at the ABC Centre in East Perth.

Thank you to those members and guests who attended.  It was not a large crowd, but enough to ensure the meeting was quorate and so able to appoint a new committee.

Special guest Senator Scott Ludlam, Greens spokesperson for Communications, spoke about the importance of public broadcasting, the changing media environment, and the Federal Budget which will determine the allocation of the next period of triennial funding for the ABC.  Issues such as the outsourcing of television production and the outcomes of that policy on Perth and the other smaller ABC centres, and the changes to Radio National, were also discussed.  FABC-WA thanks the Senator for his interest and support.

A document listing ABC TV production in Western Australia was presented at the meeting to Senator Ludlam. As requested, this document has been posted on the page headed ‘TV Prod Perth’ on this website.

FABC-WA is pleased to report that a new committee has been formed, to hold office until November 2013.

All the nominations were uncontested and nominees were declared elected by the Returning Officer Dr. Harry Cohen.  Bobbie Mackley is the new President.  Meg Durston, who chose not to re-nominate for the third time as President, has instead taken on the role of Secretary.  Lindsay Smith continues as Vice President and John Smith as Treasurer.  Paul Williamson and Eric Lawson continue as committee members, and we welcome new committee member Turab Chakera.

The committee and members of FABC-WA thanked Myrna Tonkinson, who has stepped down after many years as committee member and Secretary, for her very considerable contribution.

FABC-WA encourages everyone who believes that a strong, independent and non-commercial national public broadcaster is essential to Australian society and culture to join Friends and so strengthen our voice.