A former journalist at the ABC, Quentin Dempster, has written a short piece on current problems confronted by the ABC - Donate to Sustain and Rebuild the ABC. He wants to see an active campaign in support of the ABC leading up to the next Federal election. To achieve this, he is asking for donations. You may wish to consider the points made by Quentin (click here), and if compelled you might also wish to make a donation.
Unfortunately, the ABC currently appears to be straining through under-funding. For example, ABC funding for content has declined by 28 per cent or $336 million in real terms since the mid-1980s. While at the same time public money supports fossil fuel industries about 11 times more than we support the ABC (for a detailed analysis, go to the Australia Institute report on Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Australia 2023). This is at a time when the evidence points towards climate change. Which is more important to the Australian community into the future, support for fossil fuels or the ABC's public broadcasting?