
See our latest news posts here. Click on a news item below to read the full story.

ABC vision and innovation acknowledged

The ABC has recently celebrated winning several major national and international awards.

June 2024 news and updates

Laura Tingle adds award to her credentialed career

Since 2001, ABC Friends has recognised exceptionally talented ABC staff members and outstanding ABC programs through the annual presentation of...

Vic regional friends find out how to get the most from digital ABC

Former ABC radio operator and technology commentator, Peter Marks, recently gave a very interesting presentation to ABC Friends Victoria’s Ballarat...

ABC Friends Tasmania celebrates 200 years of free press

On 4 June 1824, Andrew Bent published the first independent newspaper in Australia. To mark the 200th anniversary of this...

ABC Perth ran tours of their building in East Perth on 8 June 2024, for Open Day

Cathy Bardon and past President Bobbie Mackley handed out flyers to people turning up for the tours and two live...

End of Meta agreement likely to mean ABC regional coverage loss again

Will Australia’s regions again lose their local coverage if the ABC no longer accesses media bargaining code revenue from Meta?...

ABC Sydney moves west

The ABC has opened its new state-of-the-art broadcast facility at Parramatta in Sydney’s west as part of its commitment to...

Podcast of the month: Squiz Kids

ABC Friends members and supporters with kids and grandkids, did you know there is an Australian podcast which delivers seven...