Defend Media Freedom Lecture 2019: 'The public's right to know'

Defend Media Freedom Lecture 2019: 'The public's right to know'

The need for Legal and Constitutional protection for Journalists and their sources was debated at the inaugural Defend Media Freedom Lecture in Parliament House last night.

Federal MP Andrew Wilkie was the guest lecturer at the inaugural Media Freedom Lecture sponsored by ABC Friends. Video: Radio Info

The vital issues of Media Freedom and the ‘public’s right to know’ featured in ABC Friends National’s first sponsored lecture in Canberra.

Read a full report on Wilkie's speech here

National President Margaret Reynolds said that “not only was the audience treated to thoughtful and impassioned contributions by three concerned politicians, but the Managing Director of the ABC David Anderson was a surprise and welcome speaker.”

Read a full report on David Anderson's surprise appearance here

Managing Director of the ABC David Anderson was a surprise and welcome speaker. Video: Radio Info