Strategic Plans can sometimes seem best shelved in the bottom drawer. However, in the case of ABC Friends, with a network of a dozen branches covering a huge swathe of NSW/ACT, it is essential to have an agreed action plan. Our Strategic Plan 2024-6 now charts the way forward.
Download the plan here
After analysing your feedback in the 2023 survey, the committee sat down for a full-day workshop to determine where best to put our energies. The process generated some bright ideas and turned them into this shared course of action.
We hope the Strategic Plan can be a useful working document for members. The document contains a history of the dire environment that we are confronting, which gives us back-up to challenge Government to address drastically reduced budgets.
The period of the Plan covers the 2025 Federal election. Therefore, our number-one priority is developing campaign momentum to reinstate over 1,000 job losses (2014-22) and rebuild expertise. We will work actively with politicians and create events that will show them the strength of public opinion. We will find partners to magnify the message, such as in our forthcoming webinar on truth in political advertising, where we will engage academics, politicians and like-minded organisations.
Too often when we are fighting difficult battles, we forget the important job of keeping our own organisation strong. We are here for the long haul and our Strategic Plan reflects the need to build and strengthen Friends. We will develop membership and support our far-flung branches with financial and administrative help. Younger people need to become engaged with ABC Friends, as do culturally diverse communities. We still have areas of the State that do not have branches!
This Strategic Plan comes at a time when democratic processes seem threatened and most of us feel acutely the need for strong public broadcasting. We will work with ABC Friends in each state, ABC Alumni, Parliamentary Friends and our national body to strengthen the ABC role in speaking truth to power
Dr Susan Tregeagle
Canberra Committee
ABC Friends NSW & ACT