The ABC sustains us as our most trusted source of news. It entertains us with the best local content. It educates our kids. And it saves us from deadly disasters.
But its future as a quality public broadcaster is far from certain.
Coalition governments removed $783 million from ABC funding between 2014 and 2022 and the effects were devastating. Last year, the new government restored $84 million to the ABC but that’s only a fraction of what was lost. And the formula used to calculate indexation won’t keep pace with inflation.
Without additional funding the ABC will go backwards.
The coming budget will set the scene for ABC funding for the next 5 years. We can’t wait another five years to repair the damage.
We must act now to restore the ABC and protect its future.
Politicians felt the impact of our election campaign to save the ABC. Now it’s time to remind them just how important the ABC is and why it must be restored.
More than 49,000 people have signed our petition calling on all members of Parliament to restore funding and independence to the ABC. Let's get this up to 60,000 before we present the petition to our political representatives in Canberra later this month.
The ABC is a precious national asset.
Sign the petition to restore and secure our ABC today.