2020 – a year like no other, influencing and shaping our lives in so many significant ways, including ABC Friends SA/NT’s AGM which this year will be as an on-line Webinar style event due to the COVID-19 virus restrictions and the precautionary measures we have chosen to adopt.
The AGM will be held as a Webinar at 2pm (ACST) Sunday 18th October 2020 via Zoom.
Our President, Sue Pinnock will share with us what impact COVID-19 has had on ABC Friends’ activities over this past year. She will also give an overview of the strategic developments being considered for take up and implementation in the upcoming year, both locally and nationally.
The Constitution requires that Committee and Office bearers "shall be elected at each annual general meeting". We would welcome your interest and encourage you to consider nominating for any of the positions to be declared at the meeting.
Committee positions are: President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Officer or a Committee Member assisting on one of our various Sub-Committees.
If you are interested in nominating for a committee position, please email ABC Friends SA/NT Secretary by 5th October 2020 at [email protected].