URGENT ACTION: Press Freedom Inquiry

URGENT ACTION: Press Freedom Inquiry

Urgent Action to Guarantee that Senator Kristina Keneally’s motion is supported by all her Senate Colleagues.

Urgent action for Press Freedom

A notice of motion to establish a full Inquiry into Australian Press Freedom was moved by Senator Keneally in the Senate yesterday and could be voted on as soon as Thursday July 4th.

The motions states:

1. That a joint select committee, to be known as the Joint Select Committee into the Public’s Right to Know and Press Freedom, be established to inquire into and report on the appropriate balance between the public’s right to know, the freedom of the press and Australia’s national security, with particular reference to:

(a) disclosure and public reporting of sensitive and classified information, including the appropriate regime for warrants regarding journalists and media organisations and adequacy of existing legislation;

(b) the whistle-blower protection regime and protections for public sector employees;

(c) the adequacy of referral practices of the Australian Government in relation to leaks of sensitive and classified information;

(d) appropriate culture, practice and leadership for Government and senior public employees;

(e) mechanisms to ensure that the Australian Federal Police have sufficient independence to effectively and impartially carry out their investigatory and law enforcement responsibilities in relation to politically sensitive matters; and

(f) any related matters.

2. That the Committee should provide an interim report by 19 September 2019 and a final report by 28 November 2019.

Please phone the local offices of your favourite Senators to ensure they understand how important their support is to ensure we do not have police scrutiny of public broadcasting and media reporting.