A case study in media reporting: What is Australia doing about climate change?

A case study in media reporting: What is Australia doing about climate change?

Effective media reporting needs to provide the clearest approximation of what we know to be the truth.  Arguably, independent public broadcasters, with no reliance upon political or commercial gain, are best placed to do this.

The current reporting on climate change is a case in point.  There are the 'facts' of climate change, and there are those who would delay action on climate change in pursuit of short-term self-interest.  The following is a brief example of the importance of unbiased, independent information from media.


A case study in the importance of media reporting ... Climate scientists, who dedicate their careers to knowing about the climate and so clearly know more about it than others, tell us that there is human induced climate change.  The rest of us who are not climate scientists are now seeing clearer examples of climate change, in the form of more intense bushfires and floods.

We need accurate reporting on the state of our climate and what needs to be done to reduce climate change.  Yet what is happening in Australia?  The following series of reports tell a story:

But then ...

Note that fossil fuel funding/subsidies involves public money.  We rely upon media reports to know how our public money is being spent.  This is one reason why independent media is so important.