On September 24, Barnaby Joyce was discussing a number of matters while being interviewed by Hamish MacDonald on the ABC Breakfast program (Radio National) - for a record of this interview, please click 'here'. At one point (about 3:10 into the interview) Barnaby suggested that the ABC investigate the current financial plight of the UK. Fair enough, but when Hamish reminded Barnaby that ABC investigations are conceived and conducted independently of any current government (editorial independence) Barnaby responded that maybe the ABC should heed the suggestions of the current government as it is the government who pays for the ABC. This is potentially a bit odd, as it is one of the strengths of an independent broadcaster that they are independent of political and commercial interests. This provides a range of advantages for a democratic society, including the speaking of truth to power. Arguably, it is also the Australian people who fund the ABC, along with the salaries of our parliamentarians.
This may just have been an off-hand comment from Barnaby, with no deep intention, but if you feel that this point needs clarification you may want to take advantage of the ABC Friends campaign to identify the attitude of federal politicians towards the ABC. For more details on this, please go to - https://www.abcfriends.net.au/localmp.