Checking the Pulse #18

Checking the Pulse #18

and welcome to our News Email - Checking the Pulse  - providing you with useful and informative ABC Friends News bites and our way of connecting with you. Below you will find links to interesting reads/webinars, online events coming up and ABC TV productions you may enjoy. 



A pulse on a heartrate monitor

Hooray - now with the Election behind us we can focus on positive news again! Starting with the permanent suspension of the Liberal-led Senate inquiry into the ABC and SBS. More details here.

We look forward to hearing from Minister Rowland about securing of ABC funding for the next 3 years as pledged in Labor’s election campaign.


ABC News and Updates

  • During this 90th birthday year the ABC is celebrating by promoting communities connecting. The ABC has partnered withVolunteering Australia to encourage Australians to come together and make a pledge: 90 minutes of kindness in our community. More details can be found here.

  • And maybe we could encourage you to consider volunteering with us here at ABC Friends SA/NT in our new phase now that the Election is over and we slowly emerge from Covid hibernation after almost 3 years? The focus will be on social events and reconnecting with our membership base.  Our AGM will be held later this year and we welcome new faces joining the Committee. Our current Secretary has decided to step down after 4 years looking to hand the baton over to someone equally as passionate about the ABC. Anyone interested can view the Volunteer SA ad to find out more here.


  • Reworked, remixed and remembered: How the ABC news theme crept into our hearts starting as a piece of sound-library music and through reworks, remixes and generations of Australian growing up hearing it, the Majestic Fanfare has wedged itself into the Australian consciousness. Read the full story

    Informative Reads
  • If you are into politics and would like to read an excellent summary of the recent federal election event check out the ABC article ”How the seeds of the 2022 election result were sown years ago” here.

  • You may well ask so what does a labor government mean for the ABC? This public media alliance article discusses that very question here.


  • A beautiful tribute to and reflection on the life of Caroline Jones by Father Michael Kelly here.

Interesting Programmes to look out for on iview

  • Sitting down in front of TV and absorbing a lost prehistoric world of Antarctica brought back to life through state-of-the art CGI. We can take a 300-million-year journey of discovery, through a group of paleontologists' expedition to the ice continent to understand how dinosaurs and great forests once thrived here.

Dates to put in your Diary

  • Tuesday 21st June at 8.30pm - Southern Ocean live and 28th June at 8.30pm - Meet the Penguins  both on ABC and iview.  Made by the  team that brought Reef Live to ABC screens in 2020, this time we venture to to the wintry Southern Ocean to experience big creatures, big science, and big thrills that will take the audience on a live adventure that’s as wild as it gets. Then the following week, the wonder of nature continues with Meet the Penguins - lets marvel at penguins parading in their thousands on the winter soltice night. Have a peek here. 

  • Thursday 4th August at 4pm or 6.30pm Dr Norman Swan (in person at last!) at the Hawke Centre discussing his latest book “So you want to live younger longer? The Ultimate Guide to Longevity.”
    Further details can be found here.

Until our next edition - stay warm and safe!


On behalf of your ABCF SA/NT 2022 Committee

Sue Pinnock - President

Sandra Coopman - Secretary 

Mihir Makwana - Treasurer

Nick Carroll, Roselie Copley, Andrew Johnston, John Pezy, Shelley Pezy, Daryl Regan and Richard Ruffin - Committee Members 

