ABC Friends Ltd

ABC Friends Ltd

National Organisation

ABC Friends Ltd is the peak body representing ABC Friends and Friends of the ABC organisations throughout Australia. 

The aims of ABC Friends are: 

  • To represent community interest in Australia’s national public broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) to ensure: 
    • that the ABC is properly funded to maintain and advance its role as the national public broadcaster in all media, promoting and reflecting Australian culture and diversity 
    • that it remains editorially independent of government and commercial interests. 
  • And to inform the Australian public about issues affecting the national public broadcaster. 

ABC Friends is not aligned to any political party, but is a lobby group that works on behalf of listeners and viewers of ABC radio and television as well as users of the various ABC digital platforms. 

ABC Friends Ltd Rules are available here

ABC Friends Ltd Committee 

Office Holders 

Cassandra Parkinson

Cassandra Parkinson
[email protected]



Vice President

Carol Stuart
[email protected]



Peter Vandeleur
[email protected]




Judy Gonda
[email protected]



Committee Members: 

  • QLD: Ross McDowell, Janice Monroe

  • SA/NT: Peter Vandeleur, Judy Gonda

  • TAS: Peter Tatham, Rowan Wylie

  • WA: Cathy Bardon, Jenny Meyrick

  • NSW/ACT: Cassandra Parkinson, Tess Howes

  • VIC: Michael Henry, Carol Stuart

Contact Us 

For Media Comment 

National Spokesperson:  

Cassandra Parkinson - [email protected]

Membership & Other Enquiries

Membership: Click 'Contact' at the top of this page and select your State

Website Administrator[email protected]

Postal Address: 
ABC Friends Ltd. - PO Box 129 Mitcham Shopping Centre Torrens Park SA 5062