
See our latest news posts here. Click on a news item below to read the full story.

No, Elon Musk, the ABC is nothing like Pravda

The head of X and Donald Trump’s new best friend, Elon Musk, has claimed that the ABC Chair, Kim Williams,...

November 2024 news and updates

ABC Friends Annual Review: We need a fearless independent ABC

ABC Friends has a new annual magazine – we hope you like it. This first edition includes stories about who...

Fran Kelly’s passionate defence of journalism

On 20 October Fran Kelly delivered the 2024 Annual Andrew Olle Lecture, a powerful reflection on the current state of media, journalism, and...

A call to action for all who value the ABC

The ABC remains under significant pressure, Helen Grasswill warned in the keynote address to the ABC Friends NSW & ACT...

ABC Cairns studio visit

Vikki Uhlmann visits the Cairns studio and has a good story to tell.

SA Friends continue their advocacy for the ABC

ABC Friends SA/NT members continue to be actively engaging with the community and political leaders to raise awareness of ABC...

Sabra Lane gives Keynote Address to ABC Friends Tasmania’s AGM

AM and Brightside presenter Sabra Lane shared insights from her extensive journalistic career at ABC Friends Tasmania’s Annual General Meeting...

Adam Bandt confirms the Greens’ support for a well-funded ABC

The ABC Friends Inner Melbourne group hosted an open meeting this month with leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt,...