Donate via Paypal

Donate via Paypal

Your donation will help us undertake essential work for our campaign to restore the ABC. Right now we're planning our work for the next 18 months. We'll revitalise our website, produce new fliers, posters and videos, and commission essential research. We badly need to expand our messages on social media. And we'll continue to press the ABC’s case to those in power.

But we can’t do this work without your help.

If you don't wish to use Paypal online you can post a cheque made out to ABC Friends National Inc. to PO Box 3620 Manuka ACT 2603.  Please advise your name and address so we can acknowledge your generosity.


Personal Details

All fields marked with an asterix (*) are mandatory.

Contact Details

Please note:

When you submit this form, after a few seconds you will receive a screen message and, if payment is successful, a confirmation email within a few minutes.

Your credit card details will be used only for the processing of this transaction, and your contact details will be used only for administration and distribution purposes within ABC Friends, and will not be passed on to third parties.

Donations are not tax deductible.