The 2023 Annual General Meeting of ABC Friends NSW & ACT will be held on Saturday 18 November.
Please RSVP to let us know if you are attending the meeting or sending your apologies.
The Constitution requires that the committee and office bearers are elected at each annual general meeting. There are up to 16 positions on the Committee, 4 of which are Executive positions and up to 12 are general Committee positions. See the nominations for the NSW & ACT 2024 Committee.
We encourage you to consider nominating as a Committee member or for any of the following office holder positions to be declared at the meeting.
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Communications Officer
- Events Coordinator
- Branches Coordinator
The last three positions on this list are new office holder positions intended to increase our effectiveness as a Committee. They require enthusiasm but no specialist expertise, and will be well supported.
- Communications Officer – will work with the President to improve our external communications, particularly on social media. Some social media experience would be useful – or an interest in acquiring this.
- Events Coordinator – will work with other Committee members to coordinate a small number of events during the year – eg ABC Awards Night, Annual Dinner, etc.
- Branches Coordinator - will facilitate effective communication and coordination between the many ABC Friends branches in NSW and ACT.
If you are interested in nominating for a position on the Committee, please go to this site where you will find our nomination form. Complete and email this to the Returning Officer, Nizza Siano, no later than Friday 3 November 2023. Please state the position for which you are nominating and include a short statement about your background
280 Pitt St
Sydney, NSW 2000
Google map and directions