Here is all the latest news and updates from ABC Tasmania!
AGM 2023
Andrew Wilkie MP was the guest speaker at our ABC Friends AGM on November 5th. Andrew spoke on the importance of media freedom and the need for stronger protection of whistleblowers.
Andrew is a long time supporter of ABC Friends and is the Co-convenor of the parliamentary ABC Friends.
Peter Tatham was elected as President, Peta Fitzgibbon Vice President, Rowan Wylie (Treasurer), and Polly Flanagan, Christine Howard, Ros Stoddart and Anne Leyton-Bennett were elected as committee members.
2024 will be the 200th anniversary of the birth of independent journalism in Australia when Andrew Bent established the first independent newspaper in Hobart. and we look forward to celebrating this event next year.
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ABC Friends supports the ABC Giving Tree
L-R Peter Tatham, Santa, Rowan Wylie, Samantha Stayner (local manager ABC Hobart) and her daughter.
For 35 years the ABC has conducted the ABC Giving Tree appeal. The appeal is Tasmania's biggest Christmas charity and raises over $200,000 each year for Tasmanians most in need over the holiday season.
Proceeds from the ABC Giving Tree Appeal are distributed between Launceston Benevolent Society, Launceston City Mission, St Vincent de Paul Society, The Salvation Army, Uniting Tasmania, Hobart City Mission, Mission Australia, Anglicare, Colony 47, Hobart Women's Shelter and Kennerley Children's Home.