Donate now to restore our ABC

In a sea of misinformation the ABC is there for us, presenting the facts fairly and squarely. It remains the most trusted news organisation in the country. We need a strong independent public broadcaster.

The ABC must be protected so it can continue to ask the tough questions.

The ABC still needs our support.

In the 18 months since the change of government we’ve helped achieve some real improvements for the ABC. But it will take much more work to restore the ABC and protect its future.

It’s time to intensify our efforts. There’s no time to waste.

Your donation will help us undertake essential work for our campaign to restore the ABC. We'll revitalise our website, produce new fliers, posters and videos, and commission essential research. We badly need to expand our messages on social media. And we'll continue to press the ABC’s case to those in power. But we can’t do this work without your help.

We plan to keep up the pressure, but we need your help.

ABC Friends’ vision to promote a strong, independent ABC is undimmed. But as a volunteer organisation we receive no funding from government or any other source. We rely on your contributions for everything we do.

Please donate now to support our work.

Make your donation via Paypal

Our goal is to raise $40,000.00

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