Regular attempts to paint the ABC as a biased media organisation, pushing its own agenda, are unfortunately all too frequent. ABC journalist, Craig McMurtrie, wrote an article late last year which systematically goes through the evidence, supporting why Australians find the ABC the most trusted source of news and current affairs. Craig also highlights how the ABC is constantly monitored for any commercial, political or ideological bias, now and in the future. Click on the ABC Backstory article for details - Editorial director Craig McMurtrie signs off after 30 years at the ABC, defends impartiality and importance of national broadcaster. We are also reminded of the special role that a public broadcaster plays in current democracies, with a word from the ABC Chair, Ita Buttrose -
"People often underestimate the importance of public broadcasting to democracy. It's a fact, confirmed by European Broadcasting Union research, that in countries where public service media is well funded and enjoys a high market share there is more political stability."