
See our latest news posts here. Click on a news item below to read the full story.

100 Friends 'pumped' to start new Northern Suburbs of Sydney branch

What would you be doing on a long weekend? Travelling? Sleeping in? Watching your favourite sport? Gardening?

New branch in NSW: Northern Suburbs of Sydney

Northern suburbs of Sydney residents believe it is time that they form a Friends of ABC branch. Like all Australians,...

ABC Friends note new powers on journalist prosecutions: more needs to be done

Attorney-General, Christian Porter, recently issued instructions that appear to make it more difficult for prosecutions to be launched against journalists.

Michelle Rowland: Stop ABC Cuts

Shadow Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland, has made a rousing speech in parliament advocating for a well funded ABC.

Supporting Media Freedom at our National Parliament

ABC Friend Angela Williamson drove from Sydney while Adrienne Carpenter walked from Goulburn to demand parliamentarians protect our journalists and...

ABC Friends welcomes new website Democracy‘s Watch Dogs

A new website Democracy’s Watchdogs has been launched to show case how investigative journalism benefits all Australians.

ABC Chair's Address to Friends

ABC Chair Ita Buttrose addressed a packed dinner of Sydney ABC Friends on Friday night.

Vale Michael Millett: True Friend of ABC Friends

ABC Friends Members are saddened to hear that Michael Millett has lost his hard fought health battle.

ABC Friends WA – Forum: Freedom of the press?

This free event was hosted by ABC Friends WA on August 28th, and was held at the State Library of WA...